Harvard’s Annual Global Month of Service
Harvard Club Event
An Invitation to Serve
This year, HCA is partnering with the Shoal Creek Conservancy to participate in the 30th Clean Sweep project. We are supporting the Seider Springs Greenbelt project (1380 W 34th Street) on April 11th. This is a fun, family friendly service project involving a general cleanup of trash and other projects such as mulching trees. Our workday will run from 9-11am. Please plan to meet at the Seider Springs Pavilion by 8:30am.
Former HCA board member, Ted Siff, who is the Shoal Creek Conservancy board president, will provide a short introduction including the importance of environment education and protection at 8:30 am at the Pavilion immediately before our work project begins.
Immediately following our cleanup project, you are invited to the Volunteer Party at Fiesta Gardens: 2100 Jesse E. Segovia St, 78702. There will be free lunch, t-shirts, music, a climbing wall and hands-on activities!
There is no individual registration required but volunteers are asked to RSVP so we know how many to expect. Please RSVP and direct any questions to Annette Raggette at annetteraggette@sbcglobal.net.
You can also follow this link in order to get a free shirt:
(https://keepaustinbeautiful.formstack.com/forms/untitled_form15). Enter Andrew Sobchak as the team leader.
We hope you will join us in helping to Keep Austin Beautiful!